Innovation Management
Innovation Management
Everyday Innovation, every moment, everywhere
Make out-of-the box thinking part of your corporate DNA and build a system for effective idea generation and execution.
Create an innovation vision and build a portfolio management as per your company’s strategic goals. Design and implement an effective innovation funnel and set up frameworks and methods to increase time2market speed for new products and services. Integrate innovation management with your agile delivery framework
Quickly find out about strengths and weaknesses of your business model. Identify and explore new opportunities for your future business readiness.
Do a trend impact and business context analysis with clearly defined action areas for your company. Get a deep understanding of your business model(s) disruption potentials and opportunities. Develop and test business model ideas with customers. Turn promising ideas into viable businesses.
Solve a major business challenge and test your solution will real customers in only 5 days. We bring in lots of new fresh ideas and inspiration from other industries.
Our day+ format is Super popular with our B2B customers!
We facilitate one of the world’s most effective innovation methods. In only 5 days, you will develop a holistic understanding of a pre-selected big business challenge or opportunity, create lots of innovative ideas and develop, prototype and test your innovative solution with at least 5 real customers. We customise our Design Sprint format as per your needs: Offline, online or hybrid - as well as the overall format. In the end, it’s first and foremost about one thing: Solving your challenge.
Find out how to quickly boost the innovation power of your company.
With our innovation health check find out about your current innovation capabilities and identify quick wins and mid-term measures to become more innovative and customer focussed as a company. In this 2 day workshop, you will also explore business ideas for incremental and moon-shot innovation for your company as well as learn about and apply innovation frameworks and methods like Megatrend Maps, Blue Ocean Strategy, Business Model Canvas, Design Sprint, Design Thinking and Lean Startup.